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Almond Tofu Recipe (杏仁豆腐) | Yi Reservation

Almond Tofu (杏仁豆腐)

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The week-long celebration of Chinese New Year has almost come to an end but many traditional festivities will continue into early February.

According to Chinese legend, one animal is created in each of the first 7 days of Chinese New Year. The 7th day of the New Year – the day known as Renri – is the day that human was created. Here is complete list found in an ancient literature from roughly 1700 years ago (Jin Dynasty):

  • 1st Day: Chicken
  • 2nd Day: Dog
  • 3rd Day: Pig
  • 4th Day: Sheep
  • 5th Day: Ox
  • 6th Day:  Horse
  • 7th Day: Human

Fascinating isn’t it? The God who came up with this order certainly picked the easiest to start and worked his/her way up.

On a different note, I can’t believe it’s been over 4 months since I posted a dessert last time.  But this is all going to end as I am sharing this yummy Asian dessert as the first dessert post of this year!

Almond Tofu Recipe (杏仁豆腐

Almond Tofu is a common dessert in Asian restaurants. This cold dessert is especially popular in the summer across the Asian regions.

The name Almond Tofu is a little misleading as gelatin is used to solidify almond mixture as opposed to the salt used in traditional tofu production. That’s why you might see this dessert labeled Almond jelly or almond pudding in different places.

This recipe makes 6 servings of basic Almond Tofu. If you want to make it fancy, you can also serve the tofu with cut up fresh fruits such as strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, mango, watermelon, and etc. Additionally you can also replace the milk with water or soy milk and substitute gelatine with agar to make this a vegan dish!

The recipe is made with the step by step illustrations. You can also save and print the recipe a few scrolls down.

Warm up the soy milk and water

Dissolve Gelatin in the mixture. Turn off the heat.

Add milk, almond powder, sugar, and almond extract.  Stir to dissolve

Filter the mixture through a fine mesh strainer

Dispense the mixture into several bowls or cups. Chill in the fridge until solidified

Almond Tofu (杏仁豆腐)
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Yi
Prep time: 5 hours
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 5 hours 15 mins
Serves: 6
A quick and easy recipe of Almond Tofu – a popular Asian dessert.
  • 350 ml Unsweetened Soy Milk
  • 250 ml Water
  • 300 ml Milk
  • 1 bag Gelatin
  • 50 g Unsweetened Almond Powder
  • 60g Sugar
  • ½ tsp Almond extract or vanilla extract
  • A few Roast Almond or goji berry for decoration
  1. In a pot, combine the soy milk and water. Warm up the mixture for 3-4 minutes in medium heat.
  2. Mix in the Gelatin. Stir vigorously until the Gelatin is well dissolved. Turn off the heat.
  3. Add milk, almond powder, sugar, and almond extract. Stir until everything is dissolved.
  4. Filter the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. Discard the solid residues.
  5. Dispense the mixture into several bowls or cups. Chill in the fridge until solidified. Decorate with either roasted almond or goji berry.

Can add fresh fruits of your choice to make a bit fancier.
Also you can also replace the milk with water or soy milk to make this a vegan dish!


Don’t forget to check out some of the other desserts on this site🙂

Almond Tofu Recipe (杏仁豆腐

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  1. Pingback: Asian Desserts - Slice Pizzeria

  2. 29

    Looks tasty, although something I won’t eat. Your comment about making the recipe vegan threw me. Gelatin is neither vegetarian nor vegan as it is derived from the bones and skin of animals. Will you remove that comment to prevent further confusion? Thanks for all the recipes!

  3. Pingback: E Liquid Lychee Recipe | Tech Superb Blog

  4. 28

    Hey! I tried this recipe yesterday and for some reason my soy bean won’t set. It’s been sitting in the fridge for a whole day but it’s still very watery.. I used Swallow agar powder.. I wonder where did I go wrong? 🙁

    • 28.1

      hi there, thanks for checking out the recipe. The only thing I can think of is that the amount of agar powder wasn’t enough. If your tofu is completely liquid, I’d probably double the agar to see if that works. Hope this helps.

  5. 27

    what do you mean by one bag of gelatin?

  6. 26

    My family loves annin tofu  very much that urge me to prepare it for them. Thank you very much for sharing us your recipe. More power!

  7. 25

    Hi, I’ve been trying to find Almond Powder in NYC. Can you tell me where you’ve found this so I can make the Annin Tofu recipe you created? Thanks


    • 25.1

      Hi Xi, I normally get my almond powder from Chinese grocery stores in NY (Flushing or Chinatown). The powder is sweetened and normally comes in a tin can. Hope this helps.

  8. 24

    Hi Yi,

    Love the recipe, i have question, do you know how many grams in one package of gelatin?

  9. Pingback: Effortless Homemade Almond Tofu 家常杏仁豆腐 « Ciao desserts! 「 焦點心 」

  10. 23

    Hi I jsut want to asked it says mix the tofu and water, just wanting to ask is it the warm water thanks

    • 23.1

      Hello Kelly, thanks for checking out the recipe. Are you referring to step 2 where you have to mix the gelatin with soy milk or water? If so yes you want to dissolve the gelatin in warm medium. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

  11. Pingback: Ingredient of the week: tofu | Soy Food and Drink

  12. Pingback: Ingredient of the week: tofu | canada.com

  13. Pingback: Annin Tofu@7-11 in Japan – Go get one! | In a World of LotzNLotzOfSugar

  14. 22

    Hi Yi, I like Almond tofu. Thanks for the recipe 🙂
    Can I use almond ground and a bit almond extract?

    Thanks ^^

    • 22.1

      Hi Angel, thanks for checking out the recipe. Yes you can use the ground almond and some extract. You might need to play around with the amount of extract you use. Please let me know how it comes out. Thanks.

  15. 21

    Hi Yi,

    I tried your recipe 3 times but made a few changes to it, dissolved the gelatin in some water before adding it to the soy milk and used almond milk. My whole family loved it, thank you! =)

    The picture is also asian-style and eye-catching! Great job!^_^

    • 21.1

      Hello Priscilla, thank you very much for the feedback. I like the idea of dissolving the gelatin first before mixing with other liquids. I am so glad that you enjoy this dessert. Thanks!

  16. 20

    hi yi, i was wondering if i could use almond meal instead of almond powder? i cant seem to find unsweetened almond powder, where did u get yours?

  17. 19

    Hi, i like almond tofu. I want to make it, but i don’t have powder bag size. So can you tell me how many table spoon for one bag. Thx u.

    • 19.1

      hey there. the bagged jello is 3 oz each. Sorry I didn’t measure it in a spoon but i’d guss it’s about 1 – 2 tea spoons. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  18. 18

    Hi,i like almond pudding a lot.I want to try this recipe at home.Can i use konyaku powder instead of gelatin?

    • 18.1

      Hi Jesslyn, thanks for your visit. Yes, I think konnyaku powder would work for this recipe. However please use the direction on the package to determined how much of it is needed. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks.

  19. 17

    Thanks for the great recipe! I’m so excited to give it a try! I am always wanting to collect more Chinese recipes to suit my parents’ tastes!

    I have one quick question about the almond powder, is it almond flour or the instant powder that you can use to make the Hong Kong style almond milk drinks?


    • 17.1

      Hi Joyce, thanks for your visit. Great question, if you use the almond tea powder you’ll have to reduce the amount of sugar as the almond tea powder is already sweetened. I’ve used both regular almond flavor and almond tea powder and they both came out great! Please let me know how it comes out if you get to make this!

  20. 16

    This looks impressive! I bake a lot cakes and tarts but always struggle to find a good recipe for Chinese dessert, must try this out. By the way, thanks for your comments on my blog 🙂

  21. 15

    Wow, the Almond Tofu looks delicious! Thanks for the recipe.

  22. 14

    My kids and I love 杏仁豆腐!!! I like this dessert since I was in Japan and it’s actually popular there too. I never thought of making it from scratch as I have been relying on those Chinese packaged 杏仁豆腐…. =P Time to change I guess! I’m saving this recipe! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  23. 13

    oooooh love this pudding. along with mango pudding. haha they are so “retro”, i remember having them at the end of a wedding dinner. I used to hate the smell of almond then, buthave come to like it! apparently it’s also really good for the skin (: even better!

    • 13.1

      Hello shuhan, I used to not like almond as well but one day I had some almond flavored tea and i just fell in love. Good call on its beautifying effect!

  24. 12

    yummm..what a great dessert to start the year off with 😀 this is one of my fav desserts growing up…with (canned) fruits and juice! i think my mum made it with agar agar instead of gelatin tho!

  25. 11

    Miss almond tofu..I like them with some fruits.

  26. 10

    Hi this looks so yumm! I was wondering where can I get the almond powder? Thank u for sharing this I can’t wait 2 try it!!!!

  27. 9

    Yi, I love this dessert, yours look great, so smooth and silky. Great pictures as well.
    Have a great week 🙂

  28. 8

    I’ve just had some of the tofu pudding made by my aunt as well, but it was made using nata de coco 🙂 I am not a fan of almond, but I must say that this looks amazing and a series of beautiful work done to produce this lovely pudding!:) Nice job!;)
    Happy Chinese New year to you and your family!:D

    • 8.1

      Hi Christy,

      Thanks for your visit and happy Chinese new year to you as well! Speaking of nata de coco I still have one package of it in my fridge 🙂

  29. 7

    Hi Yi! What beautiful photography work, make me want some Almond Tofu right at this moment! I normally just buy the package in the Asian market, mix with soymilk and voila! But I bet yours would taste much better, since home made is almost always better in my book!

    • 7.1

      Thank you Jeno. I’ll give the mix package a try next time. It might come handy when I need a quick fix of the almond tofu 🙂

  30. 6

    Yes, 杏仁豆腐 is common in Chinese restaurants. The version I have seen is usually cubed 杏仁豆腐 + lychee in a syrupy sweet soup.

    • 6.1

      Hello thanks for stopping by! Right, in the restaurant this dessert is normally cut into cubes and served with fruits or syrups.Its such a great dessert at all time!

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