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Baby Bok Choy with Shiitake Mushroom (冬菇扒小白菜) | Yi Reservation

Baby Bok Choy with Shiitake Mushroom (冬菇扒小白菜)

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As far as the type of vegetable goes, nothing is more culturally characterized as Chinese than bok choy, a kind of green leafed vegetable that’s also known as Chinese cabbage. There are many bok choy varieties but I especially like the taste and texture of baby chok choy or sometimes known as Shanghai bok choy.

Bok choy and I go way back to my college years. After one year of greasy and overpriced college food and a typical freshman 15, I decided to move to a cooking dorm and start to cook for myself. For vegetables I wanted to cook something that’s simple, healthy, and cheap. Bok choy came as the perfect choice. I would stock my fridge with tons of bok choy whenever I could get it and cook it with almost anything ranging from a meat stew dish to instant ramen noodles. Because of my own cooking, I was able to stay relatively healthy throughout the college year at fairly low cost.

This bok choy dish is easy and healthy however it is also easy to mess it up. Here are a few tips to help you make the perfect stir-fried bok choy dish:

1) Use fresh baby bok choy. Only the fresh greens will give you the crunchy taste and fresh look.
2) Easy on salt. Do not over dose on salt. It not only kills the bok choy flavor but also makes it become saggy faster. Always taste it and make an adjustment.
3) Watch your time. I like my bok choy somewhat crunchy. Over cook the vegetables will be saggy and loss most of the nutrient from the greens.

I hope you get to try it out. It also works with other kind of leafy vegetables..

[stextbox id=”info” bgcolor=”9fdfd9″]Ingredients

10 oz Baby bok choy
1 tbsp garlic, minced
3 Shiitake mushroom, minced (if use driedShiitake mushrooms. Soak it until soft)
1.5 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tsp Sugar
1 tbsp Oyster sauce
1/2 tbsp Cooking wine
1 tsp Sesame oil
3 tbsp Water
1tsp  Corn starch, dissolved in 2tsp of water.[/stextbox]

[stextbox id=”custom”]Step-by-Step

1) Wash the bok choy a few times thoroughly. Discard any yellow or dark leaves. Drain.

2) Over high heat, add 1 tbsp of oil and quickly stir fry the bok choy with ½ tbsp of minced garlic. Add ½ tsp of salt and cook it al dente. About 3 minutes. Layer the vegetable in a plate.

3) In a sauce pan, add ½ tbsp of minced garlic and chopped shiitake mushroom. Cook until the mushroom is soft.
[nggallery id=42]
4) Combine minced garlic, oyster sauce, soy sauce, water, sugar, cooking wine, and sesame oil to the mushroom. Cook in low heat for 5 minutes. Thicken it with corn starch mix. Add salt if necessary

5) Pour the mushroom sauce on top of the bok choy. Serve it when it’s warm.
[nggallery id=43][/stextbox]

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  1. 9

    I love new recipes, and I relaly enjoy reading your blog very much thank you for sharing this post. Feel free to check out our recipes.

  2. 8

    I made this for dinner as one of our side dishes, and the flavor was superb. I had guest from Shanghai, and they said it tasted just like it did back home. I wished that I should have diced the mushrooms smaller, because their flavor, and texture almost made it a more of a meaty main dish, but other than that it was a 10! Thank you for the new recipe to add to my own collection, and I’m excited to try more of your lovely dishes.

    • 8.1

      HI Phillip, I really appreciate for your feedback and I am so glad that the dish won the approval from your guests! I look forward to seeing you around!

  3. 7

    Excellent recipe! Made this for dinner tonight as a side dish to rave reviews from other diners. Thank you for the step by step directions. They were a big help. The presentation of the chopped mushrooms in the center was truly lovely. Now, I am looking forward to trying out many other of your enticing recipes. Thank you for your great website!

    • 7.1

      Hello Susan, I am glad that you have enjoyed this bok choy dish. I also use this same recipe with other kinds of leafy vegetables. Please let me know how you like the other recipes!

  4. 6

    Nice recipie, it fits what I was looking for. I m going to make it for dinner . Thunks

  5. 5

    As I was preparing to try this recipe I noticed there is cooking wine, oyster sauce and sesame oil included in the description but not in the ingredient list. How much measurement of each is to be used? Thank you Yi, can’t wait to try this looks amazing! I had already posted about cooking wines, but in case you hadn’t seen it, could you share what brand do you use? There are too many choices and I don’t know which tastes best? Thanks again! Love your blog.

    • 5.1

      Hi Andy, thank you so much for spotting the error. The ingredients have been added back to the ingredient list. This was one of my older recipes and over time I have done a number of changes to my site so I guess I accidentally deleted part of that recipe :). I have answered your question regarding the cooking wine in the other comment. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

      p.s. please also check out some of the newer recipes as they are better written and presented than the older stuff =)

  6. Pingback: Eight-Treasure Rice (八寶飯) - Step by Step Recipe | Yi Reservation

  7. 4

    Yi, I can’t get over how gorgeous your photos are, every dish looks mouth watering! What type of camera do you use if you don’t mind sharing?

  8. 3

    Lovely blog with gorgeous photos!

    As for your question on the beef rendang, if curry leaves and fresh galangal are not attainable, try using rendang paste instead? And u still can add other ingredients too! 🙂

    Let me know how it goes!

  9. 2

    wow…I miss this. Remember I had them so often when I was still living with my mom. Sometimes my mom made them with double mushrooms…light, and flavoursome!

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